Northgate Veterinary Supply

Northgate Veterinary Supply
1500-A Copperhill Parkway
Santa Rosa, California 95403
Toll Free: 888-DOGCAGE (888-364-2243)

Customer Testimonials
Here is what some of our customers have had to say...

Dr. Tim Concannon has ordered ULTRACAGES for his 4th California Vet Specialties Hospital
Thank you Dr Tim.. We are proud to do business with you. George Walters DVM

Alicia Tolar, DVM, Cadet, MO - Ultratable purchaser:  
Oh thank you so much!! I absolutely love it!! I actually wanted the shorter 48 in, but I'm glad that you sent me the 60in instead. After using it, I think the other one would have been too short. I have used it repeatedly since we installed it! I don't know what I did without it. Thank you so much and have a wonderful day. I will definitely be in touch as soon as I am ready to order some new equipment.

California Veterinary Specialists, a southern California surgical practice has recently installed Ultracages in their third hospital. Dr. Frack said,
“We looked all over for you at Western States so we could get some more of those wonderful Ultracage runs for our new practice. You may remember we used them in two hospitals over 20 years ago. I was glad to find your website”

Kensington Veterinary Hospital is extremely pleased with the double Isocage that they installed last June.
“It’s so nice to have the sick ones where we can watch them.”

Florida Animal Eye Doctors are very happy with their new Ultracages.
“They look very comfortable for the dogs.”

Vern K, Practice Manager
“I’ve been using your wonderful kennels for years. We’re expanding our facility now and need to order four more. They’re the best!”

Doug Hulbert, an architect from South Carolina recommends Ultracage, and has installed them in his wife’s Veterinary Hospital.

Dr. Burd from Kansas bought 25 many years ago. He said,
“It is better than having a salesman on the staff because clients are so pleased to board their dogs in such a clean and odor free environment!”

Dr. Faulk, who is a Veterinarian from Texas said,
“The Econocage is the best kennel design I have ever seen, and I am an engineer.”

Dr. Fling from Texas reported that the Glass Doors made the dogs more comfortable compared to the jail-like rods.

See how you'll save..

Dog Run Gates & Glass Doors
Custom Aluminum Gates For Block Walls

Create a Kennel anywhere with ULTRACAGE TM
Create Low Cost Cage Systems with ECONOCAGE TM
Create Isolation Cages with ISOCAGE TM
Create a mini ISOWARD TM
Create Luxury Cat Boarding Suites with CAT CHATEAU TM
Dog Run Gates & Glass Doors
Custom Aluminum Gates For Block Walls

Northgate also carries these other fine veterinary solutions...


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